Monday, May 3, 2010

Car Show

I went to a mainstream import car show this weekend. It's been a long time since I've attended one of these events. Aside from the cars, it's filled with Vendors for performance parts vendors, booth babes, Dj's, on stage performances, and models. With that being said, I was taken back in time when I saw a set of old skool Toyotas. As stated in the past, over 10 years ago, I owned a 1972 corolla. I raced it and sold it due to the fact that I used it as my daily driven car - very impractical. The blue celica in the back is moded with honda V-tech motor. Awesome!
There was also an old skool Skyline present. My pics didn't turn out well due to the ropes that gated the car from damages that may occur from spectators. The picture above is a clean eye catching 510.