Posted for July 14
On my way to the Metro station I saw a few vendors. I haven’t eaten dinner so I purchased a hotdog with a Kabob. If was ridiculously delicious. It may have been good due to my hunger, but I highly doubt that – Kabob, Hot Dog and a sautéed Onions in the same bun! What a freaking great invention.
Going back to the hostel after the fireworks was an event. Getting into the Metro /Subway station was crazy. The stairs going down into the station were filled with people and had a massive crowed lined outside. I decided to walk further down to catch the subway at different stop. After a half hour walk I spotted a station and made my way in. Half way in, the stairs were filled. I used my rule of thumb and said to my self, “F’t, I’m already committed. I’m gonna get into this subway. If all these people are doing it, why can’t I?” As I approached the end of the stairs which opened up hallway/stair way to the plat form, there were a couple of officers conducting crowd control. They control the amount of people allowed to stand in the platform area before boarding the metro.
I got in the metro, and my body was physically pressed against the door. The metro was packed like sardines in a can. It’s like the saying, “how many clowns can you fit in a car.” As soon as the door in the metro closed a Parisian said, “Welcome to Paris.” Everyone in the surrounding car chuckled- including my self.