Posted for July 9
When I got up this morning, I called my self an idiot!
Flash Back two weeks ago
I got a phone call a week prior to my trip from a Euro Rail Agent. I originally had purchased a train ticket from Pamplona to Bordeaux which has a stop over/transfer point at Hendaye, France. The Agent informed me that first part of the train ride (Pamplona to Hendaye) was no longer available due to construction and the best way to get to Bordeaux was to reroute to San Sebastian then to Hendaye then to Bordeaux. With out thinking I agreed and paid for the additional fees.
This morning
I got up this morning and thought about my train ride to Bordeaux. Looking at my ticket I didn’t realize the train ride to San Sebastian was an 1 hour 45 min. A bus ride to San Sebastian is an hour and would only cost 7 Euro. At that point, the hamster wheel in my head started to turn in which the light bulb promptly clicked. I said out loud, “Sh*T, Mother F*CKER! I’m a freaking idiot!” Ant looked at me and said what. I replied, “The taxi to the train station would be about 7 Euro and the bus ticket to San Sebastian is 7 Euro! The bus station is walking distance and the Charter Bus Ride would be faster.” So basically, I’m going to eat the first part of my train ride to Bordeaux which is fine because I get to enjoy San Sebastian for a few hours.
So it looks like I’ve thrown quite of bit of money away:
- Lost a little bit over a hundred euro when it fell out of my pocket
- Eating the additional fees on my train ride
Above all this, I’m ok with it. I’ve alive and having a great time. It’s just one of those little hiccups that happen along the way.
Night time activities
Ant and I hit the square at 11:30 pm. Like the other night and nights to follow, the square is filled with people. We found an open area to settle down in and opened our drinks - Absolute Vodka and Naranja (Orange Soda). After about an hour of drinking and enjoying the free open air concert, we met a group of Americans. We gave them a box of wine that we brought along to give away. We had so much alcohol left over in our apartment from previous nights, between 2 people and the previous night of drinking, we had to give it away. As our conversation died with the group of Americans, Anthony pointed out two gals. I walked of to them and offered them some vodka. They’re names were Hannah (Australian) and Meghan (American from Chicago). They were both traveling together and went to school together at Northwestern University. As were about to leave, 2 other guys introduced themselves and wanted to come along. We all went to a couple bars.
The last bar we went to had 2 floors. On the second floor was a large window with a ledge to stand in - enough to fit 3 comfortably. While standing outside, I started to dance a bit. As I did, I took out my video camera and a group of guys approached me and asked if I was Japon (Japaneese). I said no and told them I was Filipino. I pointed the camera over to the second floor ledge and a group of guys were cheering. They then told me to come up. I entered the bar and got to the second floor ledge and we all started chanting. Anthony then came up as well in which we stayed for about 5 min then decided to head back outside. Ant and I then decided to head back home. We were both tired and drunk.