Posted for March 14, 2011
I took a weekend trip to Koh Samet. It's a small island located in the southern region of Thailand. I rented scooter and had a blast with the exception of one mishap. I fell off my scooter. So what happened:
On a steep downhill dirt road filled with boulders and deep crevices created from the rain (water run off) is where it didn't happen, but rather on a flat straight away, full throttled on a sandy dirt road. I made it down the hill fine. I treated my scooter like it was a mountain bike. My friends on the other hand, jumped off their scooters and watched their scooters roll down the hill.
When I made it down the hill, the dirt road smoothed out into a flat sandy straight away. At full throttle, I peered back to look for my friends. With none of them in sight, I hit brakes; but a little too hard. In doing so, the back of the scooter started to swing out towards the right. Wearing nothing but board shorts and slippers, the hamster in my brain began to spin with images of something real bad that was about to happen. Unable to control the scooter, I waited for the exact moment to ditch the scooter. As I let go, I hit the dirt road scrapping my toes, leg, shoulder, and face on the ground. I don't know how I was able to immediately pop up on my feet, but as I looked ahead, I watched my scooter tumble and slide further down the road. I looked beyond my scooter down the street and saw a bunch of people looking at me in shock and in amazement. I then realized I had just dodged bullet.