Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Moving Block Party
I attended the Bay to Breakers this year. Not as a runner, but as a drinker. I’d have to say that this is one of the best events held in San Francisco. It is probably one of the only events in which drinking in public is allowed on a span of 7 miles. After the marathon begins, the party follows. A mass of people in costumes and floats walk through the city like a heard. In every corner or house, you’ll find people dancing to the music played by a DJ. As the herd marches, alcohol flows.
I travel to places for events such as these and it’s quite amazing how all this takes place in my own backyard. Too bad it occurs on a Sunday. Next year, I may have to take Monday off work.
I met up with Rob at his apt on Nob Hill and we trekked towards Golden Gate Park meeting the herd on Van Ness. As soon as we caught up with the masses, adrenaline kicked in and the alcohol ran through our system like Niagara Falls. We killed our first bottle of Grey Goose when we got to the Pan Handle area and decided to purchase another one. Half an hour later, Rob was hanging off a tree. He tried several times to break a branch. On his 3rd attempt, an environmentalist began yelling at him, “your hurting the tree!” Rob laughed at her as he fell off the tree then ran off. That’s when I lost him. 2 hours later, I got a phone call, “dude, where are you, I just woke up under a tree.”
Bay To Breakers,