Sunday, December 28, 2008

Sports Book Vibe in Cupertino

I just got back from bowling in Cupertino at a joint called Strike. When I walked in, I was caught off guard from Sports Book atmosphere: a bunch of screens for sports, a ticker tape with spreads on specific games, and a full bar. In addition to the multiple screens at the bar, the end of the lanes also had visuals for the similar telecasted games. Although the bowling lanes didn’t feel right, it still served its purpose. In my book, Strike definitely has a 5 star fun factor rating.


I ate at a Ramen spot in San Mateo near Burlingame Ave the other day and discovered Ramen with bacon and butter. Good Stuff!!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Interesting Book on GWB

Downtown SF during the holidays is quite exciting. I would bet if you were able to zoom out and have a sky view, it would be similar to watching an Ant Farm: Tons of people walking in the same directions and the occasional stragglers headed directly into traffic.

I walked into Urban Outfitters and ran across 2 interesting books. The first book was a doodle book. The book has preset topics to doodle about such as a picture of an open closet door with a headline that states, "What's in the closet." You would then doodle the contents of the items in the closet.
The second book I ran into is entitled, “Everything I learned in the White House by George W. Bush: The Legacy of a Great Leader." I found it humorous because every page inside the book was completely blank.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Getting Busy

The past several days have been productive. I helped Phil on a video shoot and I’d have to say that I miss it. Video shoots are fun pending on the people you are working with and the people whom you’re shooting. Working with people who know exactly what they’re doing is quite pleasant because there’s no mumbo jumbo crap to deal with.
The 360 Xmas party was interesting this year. Then again, it’s always interesting every year and nice to see people you haven’t seen in a while. Along with the regular weekend night time activities, I spent my Saturday and Sunday afternoon at my aunt’s house visiting my Grandmother and getting some recipes from her awesome traditional dishes.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


What did I do today? I played 2 hours of Mario Galaxy on the Wii, went to the grocery, and made a bottle of Pasta Sauce. Tomorrow, I’ll probably go to the Starlight Lounge to have a couple drinks. If you’ve never been there, I highly suggest checking it out. It’s got a terrific view of Down Town SF. It’s a bit posh, so you’ll have to dress up a bit - not necessarily with a suit and tie, just don’t show up in sweats or in an athletic jersey if you know what I mean. As far as for the rest of tonight: another viewing of “A Charlie Brown Christmas” and Letterman.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Selfish Act

I purchased a coupon book back in July and just realized that it expires this month. It has tons of buy one get one free meals. When I first purchased it, I thought I’d be able to use it all or at least a good portion of it, but failed because I stashed the book on the side and just forgot about it. There are less then 3 weeks left this year and I know I will not be able to use a good portion of the coupons. On the flip side, at least the money spent to purchase the booklet will be going to a good cause. Does that make a humanitarian? Probably not because I know I can do more. I don’t think purchasing something for the sole purpose to benefit oneself and using it as an excuse, "it’s for a good cause" is justifiable terms. To perform a task that does not benefit oneself but only for others constitutes better reasoning of being a humanitarian.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Feeling Better

I survived the weekend and amazingly, aside from the lack of sleep and the 49ers losing to the Miami Dolphins, I feel great. I'll get my 8 hour rest tonight and look forward to tackle new challenges that may come up this week.

Even though last night had started earlier than the previous night, I had much more of a calm collected night compared to Friday nights activities. This is probably because of being able to spread the drinks all night rather than hitting the scene late and cramming everything in shorter amount of time: taking 5 shots along with cocktails in a 2 hour span rather than in a 15 min span. In addition, I stuck with vodka last night rather than the mixed variety I usually have. When I approach a bar, I treat it like a buffet. Herbal Liqueur, rum, vodka, and scotch -I pick and choose what I feel like drinking and usually never stick to one specific type.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Hang over

I haven't been intoxicated for almost 2 weeks and I have to say that I forgot how a hangover feels: rotten stomach, headache, can't think straight, and a sluggish body.

With the Holiday party tonight at the Ball Park, I'll be torturing my system with a back to back hangover. As a seasoned veteran of back to backs, last night was just a warm up for tonight. Besides, if I didn't go out last night, I'd probably go overboard tonight. It's like opening up a 2 litter soda bottle that's been dropped a few times. You have to gradually open it so it doesn't explode all over the place.

Friday, December 12, 2008


I can't really Thank God It's Friday because the past 2 months have been a continuous friday for me. Unemployed and time on my side - which is the main reason why I finally started a BLOG.

I haven't shaved for a week, but that's Aye-OH-KAY. I still shower everyday and aside from the movie screening yesterday (thanks Tom), I haven't gone anywhere. And if you want my opinion on the movie "Nothing like the Holidays," I'd have to say, "Save your money and wait for it on DVD."

I've got a Christmas party to attend at the Ball Park tomorrow in which I'm quite excited for. It'll be another night of being in an incognative state but not belligerent. I can't really remember what had happened at last years event becuase that silly Haitian from Heros always seems to come around when 151 is involved.

As far as tonight, the normal rounds are in order: Cellar - Show - GC, and possibly Dirty Martini. What usually follows after is a free for all.